Special Character and Symbol Names on Keyboard

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  • ~: tilde
  • `: push, open quote, left quote, grave, back quote
  • !: bang, exclamation
  • @: at
  • #: hash, sharp
  • $: dolor
  • %: percent
  • ^: caret, circumflex
  • &: and
  • *: star, asterisk
  • (: left parenthesis
  • ): right parentthesis
  • -: dash, hyphen, minus
  • _: underscore
  • +: plus
  • =: equal
  • {: curly bracket, open brace
  • }: curly bracket, close brace
  • [: open bracket
  • ]: closed bracket
  • |: or, pipe
  • /: slash, forward slash
  • \: backslash
  • :: colon
  • ;: semicolon
  • ": double quotes, quote
  • ': single quote, apostrophe
  • <: less than, angle brackets
  • >: greater than, angle brackets
  • ,: comma
  • .: dot, period, full stop
  • ?: question mark


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